Pueblo Lot 256 29
PUEBLO LOT 256 29.tif PUEBLO Lor 256 NWly 40 1 of SEJ.y 600 1 of NE 273.17 1 lying of M.:> rena Blvd., Permit to Joseph S. and Theodora T. Fox to erect 8 1x11 1 laundry and worksbJ)p add to exist non-conforming guest house which has 1 1 sideyd and add to have required sideyd, at 1476 M.:> rena ID.vd., Zones C- R-4 Res#4864 7-26-50------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 1- Permit to Arthur M. & Mildred G. Houston to const approx 200 lin ft. of' corrugated iron fence 8 1 Wly side of' Knoxville at Maples St. Res#5913 10-3-51------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Por lying Ely of' M.:> rena Blvd. & NWly of' SEJ..y line of Lieta St. extended SWly- Permit to B.H.Peterson to excavate 5,000 cu yds of' dirt (Cond'l) M.:> rena Blvd. & Tonopah St. Res#6360 4-2-52 Res#6363 4-7-52------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Por.- Permit to C.M. & A. Weeks, owner, & K.B.&:lf.S. Lansing, purch to const vet clinic at M.:> rena m.vd & betwn Frankfort & Nashville St, Zones C & R-4- Cond'l C-2247 1-16-59-,------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Por (NW 35 1 of SE 515 1 of NE 273.17 1) Permit to Hanco, Inc. to operate cabinet shop in B:txl structure:under const & maintain exist 10' high gate which will conform archit w/3 face of' bldg. at 1460 M.:> rena Blvd., C & R-4. C-2531 6-4-59------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------