Pueblo Lot 264 Card 1
PUEBLO LOT 264 CARD 1.tif,~c:,'1:~~:,c:''-:'- 'S'/'"'~ f ' PUEBLO LOT. 264, (adjoining Dorcas St} 3 Card#l t f SE 137,6 feet of the NE 396.73 feet Erect 4 single-family residences Permit to D. M. Denton, 4670 Pacific Highway, Res, 70781 Feb 13 1940 ' mt'ly 5 acres~of P.L.264 (except subdivisions)- Cond 11 permit to Sidney L. Davis to bu.ild two 12'x 72 1 stables, to be operated as a commercial. stable. Res.#1565 6/6/46 Dly 5i urea of P.L.2'4- kt. ef, mo. on Cen411 permit of Sib.ey- L. Dans to build two 121z 72 1 atablea,to be operated as commercial stable. l!las. No. 1921 12/51'4' Por of PL 264 bounded by Morena Blvd, Tecolote Creek Channel, NEly li of PL 264 & Tecolote Valley Rd., approx 263.8'x981,35'- Pennit DENIED to Sidney L & Elinore N Davis, owners & Lawrence & Raymond O'Connell, P1ll', to erect 150-unit-trailer park Res. No. 7942 12-9-53----------....... ~...----- Por- Permit DENIED to Sidney L & EN Davis, owners & L & R O'Connell, pur to erect 150-unit trailer park (Res. of Prop Use) Res. No. 7943 12-9-53