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Development Services

Pueblo Lot 265

PUEBLO LOT 265.tif PUEBLO LOT 275 \l Lots 1-3, incl & Por of Lot 4- pennit to R. E. Maurer, own & M. w. Morris, Les,- to conat & oper go-cart race track w/concession st, catt sales & repairs at NE cor of Pickett St & Hickock St, M-1 CUP Case 3903 4-12-61----------------------------------------------Apeeal sustained as to Con 111 & Cond #13. CC-166026 111 condition & am9 ni #13.---------------------- 5-18-61 to delete-----------Lots 1&2- Permit to R.E. Maurer, own; & M.W. Morris, les; to const & operate a Go-Cart Race Tract with concession, cart sales & repairs, on Pickett St. betw Hickock St. & the flood control channel, lying W of Pickett St. in the M-1 zone. Condl C.U.P. Case 4141 6/7/61