Pueblo Lot 265 Card 1
PUEBLO LOT 265 CARD 1.tif PUEBLO LCY.r 265 To divide a po~tion of the SW of the N to permit 3 additional residences in accordance with plat attached to petition 327255, provided an additional 30' along Knoxville St, is dedicated for street purposes. GRANTED to A. Radcliffe ani Anna Roberta Fish, Gen Del San Diego, (Ord. 85 N.S.) Res#7358l 3-11-41----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------S'Wly of PL 265 (Except the SWly 250 of the SEl.y 291')- Permit conditional to Peter &.Margaret Sampo to excavate 25,000 cu y4s of dirt for public improvements, at Knoxville near Gardem Ave. Res#l259 l-3-46---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See Record of Survey Map No. 1974 on file in Plan Dept.- Permit Conditional to Anna Rovert Fish, by Carl w. Williams, guard to cont. use of 3 non-conform res & make alter no street frontage for full width of lot, Res#3715 2-23-49 Por- Permit to Peter & Margaret Sampo to excavate & remove approx 15,000 cu yd adobe on E side of Knoxville, 400' S of Gardena, Cond'l. Res#8444 9-1-54---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por- Permit to John W. Wilhoit to continue use of 2 res, at 1751 ICDoxville St., but said bldgs to be removed by 1118 23, 1955 (Bxt. of Res#3715 Al!OVE) Res.#8767 2-16-55---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por- Permit DENIED to Paul C & Pauline Pullara tu use rear 100' for contractoss storage yd & maint 5' chain link fence enclosing it, SEly side Knoxville, NEly of Nashville St. Res#8880 4-27-55 Appeal to Council,_Bd of Zon Adj,sustained-CC-126514 5-26-55