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Development Services

Pueblo Lot C 1

PUEBLO LOT C 1.tif PUEBLO LOT 11 C11 Por P. L.- Permit to S.D. County to const & II-stories hi) SW cor FL.ont & Dickinson Sts, with parking plans. operate S.O. County Gen 1 1 R~ & R-'t-to be developed C.U.P. Case #3227 Hos~i ta 1 (500 be- per plans submit, i-27-60 Por P.L. (& Por Lot stand 3-sided lited R-4 condl. 20 Gilberts H llcrest Addn) Permit to 1st Unitarian Church to const free sign per plans on file in off; SW cor Arbor Or. & Front St. 4190 Front St Case #4258 7-28-61