Pueblo Lots 1247, 1248, 1273 & 1274
PUEBLO LOTS 1247, 1248, 1273 & 1274.tif Por- Permit to Univ. City to const & oper an FHA 213 coop project having 76 sin fam bouses, 52 apt units in 13 bldgs & community facilities, on Governor Dr. (south of), betw Regents Rd. & Boundary Frwy, Zone R-1 condl CUP C-3923 4-12-61 Por- Permit DENIED to the Foundation for special.ized group housing, own to const & opera non-profit Senior Citizens Hsg project located S of Governor Dr. betw Genesee Ave. & Boundary Frwy, Zone R-1 CUP c-4826 5-29-62 APPEALED 6-21-62 Por- Res. 171463 uphel.d the appeal. of the Foundation for Special.ized Group Bsg- Action taken by the Pl.anning Commission on May 23, 1962 is hereby OVERRULED. CUP C-4826 6-28-62