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Pueblo Lots 1311 And 1314 Card #1

PUEBLO LOTS 1311 AND 1314 CARD #1.tif,,.,. ~I.,.,. ~ Card# 1 PUEBLO LOTS 1311 and 131'+1 ~- ~--- ~=-- Portions of- Permit granted to Cit7 ot San Diego, o11D8r, an4 i'iahemen1 a ad Jarmara Cold Storage Company, lessees, to use-exist. non-conforming cold storage bldg. for cold etg. purposes for five years from 6/1/47 200 ft. 1:nm:ea.eterly of common corner of PL 1311, 1312 l l and 1 lS.. Bes. No. 2 22 Por.- Amend. to Res, No. 2290, above to permit operation of retail grocery ~ business within same structure, same termination date. Res. No. 3829 4-20-49 To City of San Diego, owner & Fishermen's & Farmers' Cold Storage Co, lessee. I Por- Amend to Res No.,i8!i!9, ABOVE, which amended Res. No. 2290 ABOVE, to: City, owner, Fishermen's & Farmers' Cold Storage Co. (Chas C. Parrott P & P1 Fish Products) to process abalone, to expire 6-1-52. Res. No. 4410 i-25-50' Common Cor of 1311, 1312, 1313 & 1314- Pemit to City of S.D. to lease exist non-conf cold stor bldg {#128), Camp Callan, t:or 5 yrs (expire 6-30-57) Res." No. 6267 3-10-52----------------------------------------------- Por::W~-:erroit to S.~ Unified SUU:_S,E~j)!,-_1,.st. to move erame 5ltssroom b~urom - ---371 Elc~trilr Ave. -- - mrRes'No~ 1953,_ 6-~---- Por. 1)11 & 1314, Permit to City of S,D., owner, to lease exist non-oonforming cold storage bldg. (:Bldg #128) for cold storage, 200' Ely of common corner of P.L. 1311, 1312, 1313, 14; Zone R-1. Condl. Res E'o. 8680 12-22-.54