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Development Services

Pueblo Lots 264-263-271

PUEBLO LOTS 264-263-271.tif PUEBLO LO.l'S-264-263-271 ' Permit to Cudahy Packing Co., by R, Jenkina, 4900 M:> rena Blvd, to construct a power house and brine tank in connection with its existing packing plant on portions of PL 264,263, 271 on the following conditions: 1, That the emision of odor be reduced to minimum by installation of the latest machinery for a modern dry rendering plant, 2. That proposed buildings be painted a u.i.form color to harmonize with the office bldg. 3. That certain buildings and structures be removed as indicated on sketch and remaining buildings and fences aiaiJl painted similar to the new buildings. 4. That certain corrals and feeding pens be removed and property landscaped with trees and shrubbery in accordance with sketch attached to petition bearing Doc No. 333684, to protect corrals, etc., fromview from Pacific Highway and MJrena Blvd. 5. That aey remaining feeding pens have concrete floors. 6. That petitioner attempt to have concrete floors installed in the Santa Fe Railway feeding pens. 7. That the killing of all livestock be done within the buildings. GRANTED by Res#75486 (11-4-41) (Ord.85. K.S.) All of PL 263, lying of Railway and the SWly of PL 263 and all of PI271- Permit to CUdahy Packing Company to const 36'x 65 1 and 36 1 x 20' addition to non-conforming slaughter house and meat processing plant and make alterations thereto, termination of Buenos Street. Res#3471 10-6-48----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------]q