Pueblo Unmumbered Lots Card 2
PUEBLO UNMUMBERED LOTS CARD 2.tif UNNUMBERED LOTS CARO#~~ ~ Portion- Permit APPROVED by ZA to FRANCIS G. ANO A JANE F. SLATER, owners; WILLIAM J., BICKNELL, purchaser, to construct a second-story addition and deck to an existing single- family dwelling; (I) addition to observe at the closest point a 3' street side yard on San Oionico Street (existing dwelling observes at the closest point a 4 1-611 street side yard) where JO' is required; (2) addition and deck to observe at the closest point a 13 1 street side yard on Rosecrans Street where 20' is required {10' street side yard plus 10' street widening setback required). Existing observes at-t-he closest point a 15' street side yard, at 652 Rosecrans Street, Zone R-1-5. Conditions. c-17938 2-25-83