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Development Services

Pueblo Vista Unit # 7

PUEBLO VISTA UNIT # 7.tif fUEBLO VI~TA_UNIT #7 Lot 79- Permit DENIED to Wm. E. & Jacqueline Simpson to provide 1 off-st,:eet parking space obs 21 from front property- line where 15 1 is rec at 3211 Ashford;,t. betw Ashford Ct. & Cullen 0t. R-1-5 C-9139 3-4-69 ABOVE case appeald to BZA- appeal was DENIED and tne decision of tne ZA is sustaired and affirmed. C-9139 4-30-69 ABOVE case appealed to Council-appeal was DENIED and tne decision of tne BZA is sustaired and affirmed. C-9139 CC Res. 197038 5-27-69 Lot 83- Permit to Richard & Wanda S . Sc:hmukler to erect approx 109' of 7' hi screen observing 0' rear yard where maximum 61 hi fence is permitted in required 20' rear yard at 7535 Ashford Ct. between Ashford St and end of Cul-de-Sac:, Zone R-1-S. C-11728 N.H. 12-22-72-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------