Pueblo Vista Unit # 8 Card #2
PUEBLO VISTA UNIT # 8 CARD #2.tif 2.l?rS Card #2 Lot 51,'DP 138, Par. B- z. A. DENIED the req of Mr. Swiss of' Calif. Jinc.:&essee & Morty & Millie Zlotoff, own to erect l dble-faced, interior lighted, ID sign, overall ht 20' 6 3/4"- bottom face of sign 3' x 12'1" & top jjace of sign 61 x 81 where no free-standing signs are permitted & 4/10 of' a sq f't for each lineal foot of street frontage is perm on Artillery Dr. betw Ashford St. & Linda Vista Rd. in the RC-lA zone but APPROVED a max 50 sq f't free-standing sign & 4o sq f't menu board attached to the face of the building, condl c-9671 1-21-10 ~ 1-Jfc7?-__________________________________________________________________ Lot 51, Parcel A of DP 138- Permit DENIED to J.eadersllip Housing to erect one 4 1 x 8 1 x 10 nigh, free-standing, single-faced, lunlighte directional sign advertising "The California Apt." located directly north, where max 8 sq. f't. sign advertising property for sale or lease is perm.at NE cor Artillery Dr and Ashford St. Zone CN. C-lo888 12-8-71---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 51- REQUEST WITHDRAWN C-18442