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Rancho Bernardo Cabrillo #2 Card 1

RANCHO BERNARDO CABRILLO #2 CARD 1.tif RANCHO CABRILLO UNIT #2 CARD fll Lot 220 & SWly 20' of Lot 221- Tri-W Construction Co. by Chas. Feurizeig to build sin fam res 8-253 10-21-54 SEly 35' of Lot 221 & Wly 38 1 Lot 222- Tri-W Construction Co. to build sin fam res. S-254 10-21-54 Ely 17' of Lot 222 & all Lot 223- Tri-W Construction Co. to build sin fam res. S-255 10-21-54 Lot 147- AGREEMENT to Thomas E. Lilley I I I to constr 2nd stry addn to sin fam dwell w/bar sink in dressing rm at 8602 Onalaska Ave., Zone R-1-5. AGREE #2271 5/27/77 Lot 99- Agreement with Gladys Davidson to construct an addition to a single-family dwelling consisting of playroom (with bar sink) and one-half bath with no outside acess; interior acess through hallway leading to living room. 3004 Greyling Drive, Zone R-1-5000 A-3735 06-12-87 Lot 122 Map 3106- AGREEMENT with Richard and Marilynn Hudjohn to construct a second- story addition to an existing single-story garage attached to a single-family dwelling, Said addition containing a family room, closet, and a full bath, with exterior access through the garage door and open interior access from an existing kitchen (no door) at 8632 Pinecrest. Zone Rl-5000 Agreement# A-5223 12-18-91