Rancho Bernardo Cabrillo # 4 Card 4
RANCHO BERNARDO CABRILLO # 4 CARD 4.tif RANCHO CABRILLO #4 Card #4 Lot 549- Permit to Raymond A. & Florence M. Grygar to const a bedrm & den addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs a 16' rear yd at one point, where 20' is req at 8816 Greyling Place betw Greyling Dr. & end of Cul-de-Sac, zone R-l-5. C-9589 N.H. 10-31-69-----------------------------------------------------------------------------'-------- Lot 448- Permit to Neal R. & Marion Straub, as amended, to const 16 1 x 28 1 6 11 fam rm addn to exist sin fam dwell on lot, addn to obs 14' rear yd where 20' is req, resulting in 4li coverage where 40i max coverage is perm at 2687 Root St. east of Lionel St. & north of Armorss St., Zone R-1-5. C-9771 3-26-70 Lot-46s-=-rne-~ss,sE;-z;-~:-cons:-re9:-of-errr9-e:-&-PaEsy-c7-earmos-ra-consEr7-r5-fr~-x-37ft. den, bedroom & bath addn. to existing sgle. fam. residence; addn. to obs. from 5 1 611 to 16' rear yd. where 20 ft. is req, at 8898 Hoffing Ave. N. of Root St. & Zencoro Ave., Zone R-1-5; and Denied as requested, but Approved addn. to obs. 10 ft. rear yard. Condi. C-10487 5-20-71 Lots 605 & 5o6- Permit to J.B. & Joanne Young (Lot 605) & Charles A. & June West (Lot 5o6) to erect 6' high wood fence encoractting into 10' estab setback on both lots {and encroach into reserved future street) where max 3' high fence is perm, at 2661 and 2643 Greyling Dr betw Jonas Court and Gowdy Ave. Zone R-1-5. Cond'l. C-11207 N.H. 5-2-72