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Development Services

Rancho Bernardo Technology Park Card 1

RANCHO BERNARDO TECHNOLOGY PARK CARD 1.tif RANCHO BERNARDO TECHNOLOGY PARK CARD #1 Lot 7- Permit GRANTED to KACOR DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, a California Corporation, owner/ permittee, to develop an industrial site located on the northwest side of Bernardo Center Drive between Camino Del Norte and West Bernardo Drive, Zone M-lP. M-lP #82-0712 2-11-83 Lot 5- MIP GRANTED to TRANSAMERICA REAL ESTATE SERVICES, a California Corporation, owner/ permittee, to construct and operate a data center located at the southwest corner of Technology Drive and Technology Place, Zone M-lP, M-lP #82-0547 11-26-82 Lots 3 and 4- Permit APPROVED to PHASE ONE DEVELOPMENT, A California Corporation, to construct and operate a high technology light industrial park for research and development uses located at the westerly terminus of Technology Place, northwesterly of Technology Drive, Zone M-lP. MIP #83-0235 5-24-83 Lot 1- Permit GRANTED to GRAHAM INTERNATIONAL INC, a California Corporation, owner/ permittee, to construct and operate an industrial development to be located at the south- westerly corner of Via Frontera and West Bernardo Drive, Zone M-lP. M-IP #83-0381 8-3-83