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Development Services

Rancho De La Nacion Quarter Section 37

RANCHO DE LA NACION QUARTER SECTION 37.tif ~ ~C~O p!n~ ~C=ine,.Dev., Inc., owner & Ti~:~l 8~us~~:i 2Aills, lesse~~o maint '>:-- 8 'x24' free- stdg sign back of SB line, on Skyline Dr. aprox 1400 1 W Of inter. of Bellena St. & Skyline Dr., R-1; & to maint 3'x5' dir sign at inter of Bellena & Skyline Dr,, condl C-1648 & 1649 2-14-58 Por. Permit to S. D. Unified School Dist, to const Freese Elem. School at Skyline Dr. bet Sweetwater Ave. & Psradise Valle Rd R-1 condl C-266-1- Por. Permit to Heritage Inc. to erect & maint one temp pole mtd sing faced, 'xl2' unlited sign adv homes in new subdiv, SWly cor Ballen St. & Skyline Dr. R-1, for 1 yr. N.H. C- 88-24-61 Lot por N'~ of 4 Sec 10 Rancho De La Nacion- AGREEMENT A 59 to Ralph M. Finnerty and Frances R. Finnerty to bld a sin faro res where a res alrdy exists on the propty. 5-27-50 Lot 1 acre parcel por of Lot 78- AGREEMENT #650 to Joseph.Owashi to const a dormitory dwelling on above parcel 5-26-50 Por of lot across Woodbine Way to the N- Permit to Good Samaritan Church of SD in 7600 Block of Woodbine Way, Zone R-1-5, to develop property as parking Jot to serve proposed church faci_l ity.____-, ~J-9-"" ~vv;/"'J__,QAk-P ~) 11 ~;2_ Cu-1; 2'0 J_ CUP C-15777 4/5/79 c,r.J. (if--\:)____,.,,.,,-c.,P d o ')\ f?. 11- I 7- '_s 3 (!./-;,;_, I- x'.-3) Par- Peirmit to Good Samaritan Church of SD to dev property as church facility with related adcessory bldgs. Condit. 7500 Bleck Skyline Dr. R-1-5.CUP 15749 4/5/79 ~-- 1 1-t .t-,(1-,,,- 1 7..) ,Ir:-;;_::-Vo \ '(_; t '/ ck:, U. yvu__ i' r-" ~, ,, cJ-,_ - / ' ' <-> 11. I,----, n ~ /1 i, ' t,,[! t(-;t.LyYl...1!_.., "-,Y.... f::J f f- I-- {),,J \~ 7-?"" -;j,2._)