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Development Services

Rancho De La Nacion Quarter Section '38

RANCHO DE LA NACION QUARTER SECTION '38.tif RANCHO DE IA NACION QUARTER SECTillN 28 Por. Paradise liills, Inc. to erect 12 1 x 44 1 billboard sign advertis. center for 1 yr, N side of.t.'aradi e Valley lid .tl.-1,~i,_.i,C,.\ Case /f.32241/--------------------- I future shopping ' 4-1-60 I/---- /,, ~ -:/ / # l ' ' j" /. ~_,/,, 7 ,. '.' ' ,} C-.-,...__;,',-.,. ' I Por. (Proposed Lot$ l& 2, Baptist Heights) to Highland Park Southern Baptist Church to const church plant as shown on plans on file in the office of the ~.A.; first unit to be const entirely on Lot l with parking as req to be furn on adj Lot 2; add units to be const on Lot 2 as shown on Master Plan, on S side of Paradise Valley Rd at Meadow Brook Dr, Zone R-1-5. Cond'l. AA or._;, r,,J t,::,l;i.' 'r;J L.:'i c.u.P. #7847 9-6-66, ~~..1-":,..i..~~-4/.-::~-~L:: ~-- J.:_?..-iL}-------------------------------------~- Lot 1- Extension to Highland Bark ~outhern Bapt,ist Church S Side of Paradise valley lioad at Headow Brook Driive Zone R-1-5 C. C-7847 j,, 9.-6-67 Above Case No. 7847- 1 yr ext to exp 9-6-69. V f l-Y:!;;-~-~--b__ J..::..f_::_Z.f-_~3-'i.:;.!j_]i,Tld_&;_'llJ_c_:}_~~~---------~=~-6~- AMENIMENT- Case No. 7847- To permit church plant as shown on Revised Plans, dated 10-19-70, on file in Zoning Div of Planning Dept; subj to conds ,,...,,,Cu(_ (-- < c-7847 10-20-70 Portion- Permit GRANTED to construct rnd operate between Prairie Mound Way AMEN~ D 12-17-80 to TREETOPS UNLIMITED, a California Corporation, owner/permittee, a Planned Residential Development, located north of State Route 54, and Buffview Road, Zone R-1-5 (HR). PRD #190 4-14-80 'f"~