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Development Services

Rancho De La Nacion Quarter Section 54 Card 1

RANCHO DE LA NACION QUARTER SECTION 54 CARD 1.tif RANCHO DE LA NACION- 1,UARTK~ SECTI:'N S4. Por- Permit to County of San Diego, Public Works & operate a sanitary f'i 11 in vol vir.g a,-.J)roxima tely material on tne south of Pas adise Valley itd, betw Rd,, Zone R-1 b 0.M.d. #] Dept., lessee to const 500,000 cu.yds. of grierwood Rd. & Munda c.u.P. 4728 4-2-62--------------------------------------------------------------------------Por- Permit to County of San Diego Public Works Dept., lessee, to const and operate a sanitary fill involving approx 500,000 cubic yards of material on the S side of Paradise Valley Road betw Brierwood Road & Munde Road, in the R-1 Zone, condl. C.U.P. 6281 3-2-64--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See Rancho de la Nacion Quarter ~ection 53 for Case No. 7379- See Rancho della Nacion- Quarter Section 50 for C.U.P. Case No. 139-PC-------------------------------------------------------------Portion- Permit GRANTED to Genstar Development, Inc., owner/permittee- filed an application for Hillside Review Permit to develop subject property, located on north side of Paradise Valley Road, between Woodman Street and Division Street, Zone R-1-5. (See also Quarter Section 77, 78, & 53 RANCHO DE LA NACION) HR P #155 1-8-80 Portion- Permit GRANTED to Genstar Development, Inc., owner/permittee, filed an application for a Hillside Review Permit to develop subject property, located on the north side of Paradise Valley Road, between Woodman Street and Shady Oak Road, Zone R-1-5. HR P #162 1-8-80