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Development Services

Rancho De La Nacion Quarter Section 80

RANCHO DE LA NACION QUARTER SECTION 80.tif {(RANCHO DE LA NACION fSEC 80 \l Permit to Bayview Vil age Inc. #2 (Wherry Housing Project) to maintain exist telescope master antenna aprox 100 1 high, to serve tenants of housing project & a 3' x 4 1 bldg to house booster equip. at 1799 Munda. Dr. Res. No. 84I~ 8-4-54 Permit to Bayview Village Inc. #2 (Wherry Housing Proj.} to enclose antenna with 6 1 high chain 1 ink fence in SB area at 1799 Munda Dr. Res. No. 8415 8-4-54 Por- alao Sec 77,78,79 aad alao Blka 1,2,3,i.,5,6 ll, Paradise #alley Its- Permit J> BllED to San Diego South Bay L&Dlls, lllC. to constr aad operate a PRD located on tbe R side ot.Par811ise Valley Rd betw tu ut of Potomac St and 6lat St aly et Division St 'lZonea R-l-5 aDII B-140. PRD #25 5-12-n.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Portion- Pe.rinit GRANTED to GENSTAR DEVELOPMENT, INC., to develop subject property, located on the north side of Paradise Valley Road, between Woodman Street and Division Street, Zone R-1-5.______________ Hc...:.:R_P:.___cc#..:.l, <..54.,________ 12-24-79_____