Rancho De La Nacion Quarter Section 82 Card 1
RANCHO DE LA NACION QUARTER SECTION 82 CARD 1.tif RANCHO DE LA NACION QUARTER SECTION 82 (7 CARD #1 N 330' of W 260' of E 854 of NW- Condl permit to John H. & Rae Montgomery to const sin faro res, Roanoke at Cal.le Gaviota Sts. Res. No. 3853 5-4-49 Por of- Permit to John A Pettus to const sin fam res on parcel plit out after zoning, on "L" shaped lot on S side of Roanoke St. at S end of Calle.Aguadulce, condl Res. 5352 2-21-51 Por of- Permit to Walter and Frances M. Gaska to erect sin fam res on parcel split out after zonin on Sl end of Calle Serena Zone R-1 condl Res. 8-14- 1 N 150' of W 125' of~ Sec 2- Permit to Palmer & Helen Conner, owner & Lynn Stark, pur to erect sin fam res SE cor Roanoke St. & Sea Breeze Dr. condl Resl 228-11- Por also por 4 Sec 101- Permit to Brighton Dev. Co., inc. & Ne kirk Dev. Co., Inc. to oper const yd & ofc with 12'x30' sign & 4 feature signs, on SE cor Reo & Reho Hills Dr., R-1, for 1 r re uest for 18 mo. DENIED condl C-1 4 8-2- Fors 4 Secs. 2 and 3, RHO de la nacion, Water bottlg plant & retail well i.e. ~o al er min at 604o Tonawanda Dr. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan J. Por ~ of 4 Sec 2- Permit to Joseph E. & Donna Hodges to const sin fam res on lot split prior to 12-5-54, At Winchester St. N of Seascape Dr, R-1 Zone, on cond. 15' SB be obs & Cert. of Survey be filed. C-2512 5-15-59----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por. Stevren Development Co DENIED to maint. lumber storage yd, in connection with tract dev. adj, for 6 mos. Sly ext. of Homedale St, R-1 Zone. C-2871 10-23-59-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------