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Development Services

Rancho De La Nacion Quarter Section 83 Card 1

RANCHO DE LA NACION QUARTER SECTION 83 CARD 1.tif RANCHO de la NACICII quarter Section 83 Pora. Secs. 82 & 83, Water bottling plant and i.e. 50 gal. per min. at 6040 Tonawanda Dr. Conditional Use Permit retail sales up to capacity of well, Mr. & Mrs. Harlan J. Dwiere, - I 0 'j 7 4-30-58 N~ of.Sec 83, Fermit to Stevren Development Co. to operate construction yd. (for tract develop. adj.) for l yr to expire 11-4-60, E side Tonaw,m:fa Dr, R-lC 2 one; yd 1::e fenced. Case 2886 10-23-59 Quarter Sections 74, 75, 82- Permit GRANTED to SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TERRACES, INC. to construct and operate a 502 residential unit planned unit development located north of proposed South Bay Freeway on the extensions of Parkside Avenue, Landscape Drive, and Tonawanda Drive and Monos Driven Zone R-1-5. ~~ ~\- I\-\-\- 11 ~'-~~3- i-~Ll-78' ~b--~~- cg,;2. ~ MRS. HA LAN J. D~IERE DENIED CUP 224 PC RES. 198834 2=12-70