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Rancho De La Nacion Sec. 103 Card 2

RANCHO DE LA NACION SEC. 103 CARD 2.tif. 1!IJlllll" RANCHO DE LA NACION t SEC 103_)'{CARD #2 '' E 160 1 of W 165' of S 14o of the SE beginng at the E line of Nly pMj~ctn of Westport St.- Permit granted to George F. and Louise Hodgkinson to bld a sin fam res on said prcl 140 1 x 16o NE corner of Alleghany St. and Nly projectn of Westport St., subject to grantg of 0' easement for widenin of Alle han St. Res 24- 0-4 Por of SE 4 Sec 103 Descriptn on file- Permit to San Diego Unified School to erect a classrm for an exist elementary school at Alleghany St. & Rancho Dr. Res 2622 10- S 430 1 of the E 1 of the fill 4- Permit, condl, to Congregational Conference of the Southern California and Southwest to const a church and a parkg lot for the congregatn, NE corne1 of Reo Dr. and Alleghany St. Res 2783 1-14-48 W 125' of the E 150' of the S 140' of the SE of Sec. 103- Permit to Myra G. and Robert L Price to const a sin faro res on the abv described parcl, NW cor. Alleghany St. and the ext. of Sea Breeze Dr. Res 3413 9-8-48 Por of- Permit to Vincent D. and Bernice Lucille Kempsey to const a sin fam res, N side of Alleg~any St., ~et Westport and Sea Breeze Dr. Res 3414 Por of- Permit to Clarence E. & Edna 0. Gorski to const sin fam res Res 3716 Por of- Permit to Charles W. & Anna L. Lee, to const sin fam res Res 3717 Por of- Permit to Fredrick E. Parker to const sin faro res on north 200' E of F1.intridge Dr., Zone R-1 Res 4858 9-8-48 2-23-49 2-23-49 side Allegheny St., approJ 7-26-50