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Rancho De Los Penasquitos Card 6

RANCHO DE LOS PENASQUITOS CARD 6.tif RANCHO DE LOS PENASQUITOS Portion- Permit DENIED to RANCHO PENASQUITOS COUNTRY CLUB, INC., owner; and DBA PENASQUITOS ASSOCIATES, a 1 imited partnership, permittee, to construct and operate a hotel and restaurant complex with conference facilities, located on the north side of Penasquitos Drive between Carmel Mountain Road and Rancho Penasquitos Swim Club, Zone R-1-5 (proposed CR). 0 PCD #30-090-0 11-17-80 12e..c': ~\o N & Pr9:1...- ('-.- Q.o~rn: ss~ or0::ts\~---:1 f\PP -0\J:to. L-11-2 I Portion- Permit GRANTED to RANCHO PENASQUITOS COUNTRY CLUB, INC., a California Corp., owner, and J. NEVINS MC BRIDE, JR./HENRY A. GOTTHELF, dba PENASQUITOS ASSOCIATES, a 1 imited partnership, permittee, filed an application for an amendment to CUP 5206, to delete approximately eight acres from Penasquitos Golf Course, located on the northwest corner of Carmel Mountain Road and Penasquitos Drive, Zone R-1-5 (proposed CR). CUP 10-610-0 6-17-81 Portion- Permit GRANTED to GENSTAR DEVELOPMENT INCORPORATED, PENASQUITOS PROPERTIES DIVISION a New York Corporation, owner/permittee, to construct and operate a PRD located south of Paseo Montalban between Black Mountain Road and Salmon River Road, Zone R-1-5 (proposed R-2A). PRD #20-250-0 2-2-82 (SEE ALSO SECTION 13, T14S, R3W, SBBM)