Rancho Ex Mission (Horton's Purchase) Por. Lot 12 Card 13
RANCHO EX MISSION (HORTON'S PURCHASE) POR. LOT 12 CARD 13.tif i.RANCHOEX KISSION (HORTON'S PURCHASE) POR LOT 12 CARD #13 Por Lots 12 & 19- Permit to City of San Diego, owner, & Sunshine Pony League, Lessee, to const & operate 2 Pony League basebal I diamonds for a period of one year including con- cession & storage bldg, 10 1 x 20 1; toilet bldg 8 1 x 10 1; and solid board or chain link fencin~ around playing field, proposed site opposite Cllngmans Dairy was abandoned, this applica- tion amended for the new site on the N side of Federal Blvd E of exist Sunshine Little League diamonds, on Por., R-1 Zone Cond 1 l. Ext of Time to expire 12-15-62 Ext of Time to expire 12-15-63 (12-4-62) Ext of Time to expire 12-15-64 Ext of Time to expire 12-15-65 Ext of Time to expire 12-15-66 (12-17-65) Case 4751 3-9-62 Por Lot 12- Permit to Pioneer Kortgage Sales Co. to add bedrm & bath to exist.sing fam res lac on parcel split after date of orig zoning but prior to 12-5-54 per legal descrip on file in Zoning Div of Planning Dept at 7159 Jamacha Rd betw 69th & Cadman Sts Zone R-1 Case No. 5490 2-28-63