Rancho Ex-Mission Lands Lot 12 Card 3
RANCHO EX-MISSION LANDS LOT 12 CARD 3.tif,M"NCHO EX. JilS.SJQ.N~LANDS LOT 12 ~~ CARD NO. J~ ~7 N 201' of E 212' of Lot 59 & W 20' of E of Lot 59 lying N of Lisbon St. (except the N 161 1) permit to Florence L. Mason to divide into 2 bldg sites one with 20' St. frontage & the other with 20' easement as access, E of Pidgeon & N of Lisbon, subj to certain condns Res 2117 3-14-4 Por Lot 12 75' x 115' in size, aprox 30' E of 9th St. on Jama.cha Rd. permit to Clifton R. and Ethel Bassett, owner and Rubva and Julian Erickson, purch, to move in a sin fem res Res 2155 4-10-47 Por of Lot 12- Penni t to Franklin and Lala Ausman to move in a res and stg. bldg,, S side of Jamacha Rd., aprox 58o ft. E of 69th St. Res 3287 7-14-48 Por of Lot 59 of Sub, No. 5 of Lot 12- Permit to Leendert & Esther Bruin to split out a parcel of land 5-'x116' in size and const thereon sin faro res, E side of P~dgeon St., 100' N of Lisbon St. Res 36o1 12-15-48 Por- Condl permit to American A-1 Investment Co. & Bernard W, Freudenthal, owners, & George David Bryant & John P Hudson, Jr. pur., to split off 2 par & erect sin fam res on ea, S side of Lisbon St,, aprox 935' E of Pidgeon Res 4247 11-2-49 Wly 65' of por Lot 12- Condl permit to Robt E. & lois Onley to const sin fam res, S side of Lisbon Rd, aprox 165 E of Lot 5, Happy Valley Little Farms Res 4641 5-3-50 Wly 65 of por Lot 12- Robt E, & Lois Onley, appeal filed on Res. No. 4641 sustained, to eliminate condition, ABOVE. Res 98244 6-13-50