Rancho Ex Mission Lot 12 Card 11
RANCHO EX MISSION LOT 12 CARD 11.tif RAMCHO EX MISS I ON LOT 12 ll1LiVJ~1 CARD~ I split af'ter 1 Por- Permit to Joyce W & Irene C. Tresham to canst re~ on pare- z-oning but prior-to--12 5 54;--on N si-d-e-----M-ad-re-a-e,-----W----~Sst'Er---.------------_______________--~--__B_ES_#9356 1-4-56 Por- Permit above to canst res having 151 rear yd(25 1 req) N side Madrone----17~---~-----------------RES #9-351------------~--------------------------------------- Por- Permit to Adin H. Layton to divideparc into 2 & permit-oonst of sing-----f'am res on EJ;y 60 1 parcel,--7-007- Jam.acha.--Rti.-RES #6lb6--------------2-e-5""2------------------------------------------- Por- Permit to Geo &-Le-onePhillips:f6-c611st-sing- farn res;:inaklng-2-un:tts on- parcel,--s---sde-Jama-ehtt--Rd--at-Bhe-s-t--er RE& #-b-9e1------------------ H-12 52------------------------------------------------------- 1 Por- Permit to Ellis & Helen Johns on-fo split por into 3 parcels,ea having,--6-e--i fl'l,i:t;, S:l:y--parc not-havng--ftt:tl--s-t frtg;&-e-l'e-frt s-ing--fa-m- r-es---nn-ea-eh.,-,__ E side 69th_fill.IJ~ox 125!__ S of_Jamacha.Etd__ ~:ES_it~21~________________ l_l___:l~---2?----------------------------------------- -poF_-!'"e"rmtt-DE-NIDED to Geo Ese.u to 1:1-p-3:.t--out--:i::-T--re-gttlaI' por----&--eree-t--s-i-IJg-f'm--__ re...__ Madrone_&_69t_fl__s__t,._________ BES #77YL________________ 9-16-53____--------------------------------------