Rancho Ex-Mission Lot 12 Card6
RANCHO EX-MISSION LOT 12 CARD6.tif RANCHO EX MISSION (Lot 12} 4 ~..,,,__ /_ qv Cvt(po~- To erect a 2nd residence on a one-acre parcel ofrt'oti2. on condition that all respons!bility of building adjoining a private road without access to a public street shall be assumed by the builder of residence. N Granted to Fy.ron H. Stone,I'.O.Bo:x 72:Sncanto.(117-NS) Jes.73766. 4/1/411 Portion of Lot 12 (5.72 acres) Permit to N. H. Gist to construct one single family residence, having street frontage of ~li 431.11 Ft. on Dehesa Street. Res. #267 4/22/43 Portion of Lot 12(westerly 100 feet of the easterly 200 feet of the north- erly 115 feet of the westerly 1698 feet) permit to construct a 2-bedroom /addition to an exist.res. at 7249 Jamacha Road. Res. No. 2cll+ 5/20/43 Portion of Lot 12, Permit to Dwight & Velma Glover to erect res. on portion without street frontage but with 20 ft. easement to 69th St. Res. 1065, dated Aug. 20, 1945 Portion of Lot 12- Permit to James L. and Dolle E. Kenner to move in a single family residence on a 1.4 acre parcel of land south of Jamacha Rd. 7405 Sen V1cente Stree (a private street) proprty fronts on a ~rivate easement.?'(OI S~ J/~../I Res. No. 1178 ll/cj/45 s,se oe N see s c,r 116' f fr. t 59 S. 50' of N. 500' of-W. 116' of Lot 59, Sub. #5 of Lot 12- Penidt to Phillip K. & F.d.ith I. Humberstad to const sin fam res on parcel split out after zoning but prior to 12/5/54; on E. side of Pidgeon St. betw Foster & Lisbon Sts., R-1. Case #1103- 4/1/57