Rancho Ex-Mission Lot 12 Card7
RANCHO EX-MISSION LOT 12 CARD7.tif ~..-RANCHO EX MISSION LOT 12 #7 Lot 12 portion, Erect 2 Residences on por of a 2.24 acre tract facing on 69th St, in Zone R-1 provided a 30' easement granted Cit; to widen 69th St. Granted to August Kasitz 6948 Amherst St. (117-NS) Res. 72767 1 l-26-40 Lot 12- portion- Conditional permit to Vincenzo Carnevalo to convert an existing chicken hatchery at 7520 Jamacha Road into 1 iv ng quarters, making 2 residences on the lot, provided that the owner give an easement of 50' width for extension of Jamacha Read Res. No. 674 7-26-!i-4 Part of Lot 1_- (Sub No. 5) So 50' of N 550' of w of Lot 59- DENIED permit to C.E. Caldwell, owner & Earl Shearer & John L. Ireland purchasers to split into two ~qual parcel to permit construction of one single family residnec on each p1rcel, NE corner of Lisbon & Pidgeon Sts. Rs. No. 1253 12-20-!+5 Part of lot 12 (Sub. No. 5) N 201' of E 212' of Lot 59 & W 20 1 of E of Lot 59 lying north of Lisbon St. (except the N 161 ')- Permit to Florence L. Mason to divide into 2 bldg. sites one with 20' st. frontage & the other eith 20' easement as access, east of Pidgeon & north of Lisbon, subject to certain conditions Res. No. 2117 3-14-47 Por Lot 12 (75' x 115' n size approx 630' east of 69th St. on Jamacha Raod) Permit to Clifton R. & Ethel Bassett, owner & Rubva & Julian Erickson, purchasers to move in single family xaxa residnce Rs. No. 2155 4-10-47 Por Lot 12- Ely 187.4' of W1y 942.5' of Nly 115' Perm,t to Ad,n H. Layton to erect 2nc res. S. Of Jamacha Rd. 7007 Jamacha Rd. Res. 2039 2-14-47