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Rancho Ex-Mission Lot 12 Card8

RANCHO EX-MISSION LOT 12 CARD8.tif RANCHO EX MISS ION LOT 12 CARD #f Por of- Permit to L.D. Lewis to divide parcel of land 200x 260 &.erect --~ 1ngrefa:rr:rresorr-tt, r1!rdron:e---s-e, "E-o-r-6- <'Jtn-st.----------- -----------__Raa._#2/113--+-J.0... 4.+7---------------------------------------------Yor- Perm--re--to1Jnnton--K;-Bla.0K;"owner"& 7fowara-Ogaen, puroh--;-to-split-- out__.j.Jpc1:1a..r:rcaL-l 10.L...x..20..0.---&.-e.rmi.Lsing....i'a.m-r~s.-the.r..aon~ Mad.J:> on.e. Me-~f-49-t-n--st-.---------------------________________ Res 2487____ 8-27-47____--------------------------------------- Par Lot.. S~,Sub-#-5 oi'-Lot.J2,-EermJ..t-_to C.~Ji~_Jone,s t.(}......dJ ~ide- parc.e1--int-0-1hwo---- parce ls 501 x 232.5, each,.fronting on Pidgeon St & permit sing fam res on ea-oetwI,lsoon-&-Fost'er--sts;--------- Rei's2547 ------- 10.:.a:;.47--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~- ~----~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- Por- Permit to F. E. & H. L. Cain to move in residence or build new one on parcel oT Tartc:I'll,5x 1S7.4,, 7015' Jama.cha. Rd, on Ely 187.4,- of W942.51 of'-__ l'J 115 1 o.f' Lo:t l2... Ras #702 ~--- 8-17-44 I---------------------------------------!~~et~~~,- i;'pp-~~ \-ii1~1ri~rns1~-t:e:#}'~ll r~~~ stg._bldg,1.:4 <:tsof- I~~--------- ~-