Rancho Ex-Mission Lot 12 Sub #5 Lot 12 Card 9
RANCHO EX-MISSION LOT 12 SUB #5 LOT 12 CARD 9.tif, e~~~~~~c-~ Lot'if'andsub~ No~,5-~f-iot12 1.6:.z;,;:J,jCard No.,: Por. of Lot 59 of Sub. No. 5- Permit to.Leendert & Esther Bruin to split out a parcel of land 50'x116' in aize and const. thereon single ram. res., East. side. of. Pidgeon. Street,.100'. ft . North. of.Lisbon. Street ..... Res. No. 3601 12 15 48 Por- Cond permit to erican- Investment Co. & ernard w. Freudentha owners, and George David Bryant & John P. Hudson, Jr., purchasers,-to spllt off two parcels and erect sing ram res on ea, S side or Lisbon St., approx 93 ' E or Pid e:on. Res. No. 42 ll-2-4 Wly 65' of por Lot 12- Condl permit to Robt E & Lois Onley to const sing fam res, S side of Lisbon Rd, approx 165' E of Lot 5, Happy Valley Little Farms.- Res. No-;- 464J:- --...:3;.; 0 "'- -- Wly 65' of'por Lot 12 .;. Robt E~-&-Lois Onley, appeaJ.""_filed on Res-.-No~.4 41 sustained, to eliminate condition.ABOVE. Res. No. 98244 6-13-50 Sly 200' of W 232.51 of Lot 59 of' Sub No. 5- Permit to Daniel C & Sara. Huf'fna.gle, Sidney A Ba.emers & Leslie W. Bashline to div unsubd par of' land into 4 bldg sites, NE cor____ fi'~e.2,n_S!,! lEt!!!B.~ ~:..____....________ ~e!!_._N_g_._6_g4Q____ i,-.2,-5.2___, Por of Lot 12- mr 389 3 by 1231. 5 N of Slqllne Dr- Perml t to Joe & A. Martinez to__!:1,.!eE!,ogl.!11!,d_&_og,n.!t_&:!4!!!o? 11!!!ft!t.1. 9!0_Sglf.!e_J>!:.__ 11:!!. ~8-_ i-!l::5!__ Por Lot 59- Permit to Claude W & Edna Westmoreland & Eggene &:Kathleen Lund to div into 2 par 5ox232 ea. & bld sing fam res on ea, Pidgeon St. bet Lisbon & Foster Sta.______________________________ R,!.S,:._!!o.!._6]6______.!-.--2,2_ Por Lot 12- Permit to Howard Ogden to div 5 Ac. par into 3 bldg sites, one with less than_ full st. fr., 69th & MadroneL cond 11_________ Res. No. 7Q.52.___ 12-24-2,2__