Rancho Jarana #1 Card 1b
RANCHO JARANA #1 CARD 1B.tif RANCHO JARANA UNIT #1 CARD #1 Lot 1 and Lots 135- Permit was considered by ZA to RANCHO JARANA, a joint venture, composed of DI CK-CON AND H AND N CONSTRUCT I ON, to maintain 31 1-0" of 5 1-011 high block wall observing a 0'-011 street side yard where 10'-0" is required on Lot I and 31'-0" of 5'-0" high block wall observing a 0'-0" front yard where 15 1-0" is required on Lot 135. Both lots are located in Rancho Jarana Unit #l at the intersection Dairy Mart Road and Tequila Way, Zone R-15 R-1-5. Condition, DECISION: APPROVED. C-13777 NH 7-16-76.,,.-- Lot 77- Permit APPROVED by ZA to.JORGE HERNANDEZ to erect 54'-o~ of 6 1-0" high retaining wall to observe 0'-0" street side yard on Don Pancho Way where maximum 3'-0" high walls are permitted and 10'-0" and 15'-0" street side yard when rear yard adjoins adjacent front yard, located at 8905 Lonja Way, Zone R-1-5. Condition. C-14422 NH 6-7-77 Lot 117- Permit APPROVED by ZA to FERENC AND NJRMA KACSINTA to erect (1) 31 1-0" of 6 1-011 high block wall to observe a 0'-0" f street side yard on Isla de Carmen Way where maximum 3'-011 high wall is permitted in front 50 1-011 of street side yard; (2) 10'-0" wide gate where maximum 4 1-v" wide 3'-0" high gate is permitted in street side yard, located at 4135 Tequila Way, Zone R-1-5. Condition. C-14601 NH 8-25-77