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Rancho Jarana #1 Card 3b

RANCHO JARANA #1 CARD 3B.tif RANCHO JARANA UNIT #I IP J-,() CARD# 3 Lot 30- Permit DENIED by ZA to DONALD R. SCHULKE to maintain approximately 120'-0" of 6'-0" high chain link fence with solid wood posts and top rail on public right-of-way observing a 7'-0" setback from the curb (10'-0" curb-to-property-line distance), and 25 1-011 of fence observing a 0'-0" street side yard, where no fence is allowed on the public right-of-way and 15'-0" and 10'-0" is required from the property line when over 3'-0" high, located at 1995 Isla Del Carmen Way, Zone R-1-5. C-18426 NH 6-4-84 Lot 30- DONALD R. SCHULKE appealed Case #184l6, BZA heard case 9/17/84. Appeal was approved for 120 1 of 6' high fence observing O' setback along Isla Del Carmen Way, & 15' of fence, 6 1 hi observing O I rear yd where 4 1 is reqd, subj. to fence sha 11 be removed from pub! ic right-of-way within 30 days. C-/ f '-/:2. {,-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 112- AGREEMENT to RUBEN ROMAN to construct two-story, two-bedroom, bath and family room with outside entrance, located at 3104 Don Pancho Way, Zone Rl-5000. AGREEMENT #3332 7-23-85