Rancho Jarana # 3 Card 1
RANCHO JARANA # 3 CARD 1.tif RANCHO JARANA NO. 3 Lots 266, 283, & 284- Permit to Rancho Jarana, a joint venture composed of Dick-Con and H&N Construction to erect 150' of 5' high block wall to obs O' st sd yds on Dairy Mart Rd and 0 1 front sb on Pocitos Way & Plante] Way, at Dairy Mart Road betw Plantel Way & Tequila Wy. Zone R-1-5. Condition. C-14330 NH. 5-3-77, Lots 266, 267, 268, 284- Permit to William Lyon Co. and Al Wylie's Sign Associates to erect and main for one year a dbl-face freestndng, non-ilium 8'x16', overall ht 16' sub on-site ID sign on Lot 284, to obs Z' st sd yd on Dairy Mart Road. Model Homes on Lot;s.266-268, sales office on Lot 268. Zone R-1-5. Condition. C-14586 NH. 8-15-77. "