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Development Services

Rancho Mission Lot 13 Card 12

RANCHO MISSION LOT 13 CARD 12.tif-AANCHO MJssioN Lor 13. I Card #/2,. N '.330'- Permit to Don E. & Lorraine Cowles to construct single family residence on side of 61st St. approx 660 1 south of Detroit St.,_provided a 10 1 strip of land is dedicated to City for widening of 61st St. Res. lfo. 1766 9/12/46 "---r S 1/2- Permit to L. E. Morrison to canst. single fa.m. res. on parcel.330 1 by 660 1 in size, NE corner of 61st St, &.JPittsburgh st., subject to 10 ft. easement tcor widening 61st St Res, 3550 ll/17/48 N 330'- Permit to Don E. 01 Lo,Taine Cowles to constr 2nd res., E. side 61st St., approx 600 S. of Detroit; Condl. Res. No. 4723 5/31/50