Rancho Mission Lot 18 Card 1
RANCHO MISSION LOT 18 CARD 1.tif:RANCHO MISSION LOT 18,-,,_,.' 1 CARD #1 / 1 Por- Permit to S.D. Unified School Distriet to construct Johnson Elementary School and/or move onto site portable elem. classrooms, NE of Kelton Rd., Zone R-1 C-3052 1-22-60 Por- John R. &: H.L. Cbristman, own & Poway Pet Supplies, lessee to use exist coml bldg on C zone por of parcel for wb.olesale pet supplies store, & R-1 por for parking at 4580 Federal Blvd., TABLED C-3333 5-6-60----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por- Permit to Swan Constructors, Inc., to construct & operate a 420 space mobile tlome park located on tb.e nortb. side of State Hwy 94, betw College Grove We.y & Pentecost we.v, in the R-1-5 & R-4 zones. CUP 22-PC 8-6-69 APPEALED by City Attorney- DENIED CC Res. 198320 12-15-69 Por- Permit DENIED (Appeal DENIED) to Anval Land~_Inc.,Owner and Sequoia Pacific Realco to constr & operate a mobile b.ome park at the SW cor of Federal Blvd and 6oth St. Zone R-1-5 and R-1-5 (LC Overlay). 374-PC 5-24-73 Portion of Lot 18- Permit GRANTED to ROBERT AND JANET CHAMBERS, Individuals, owner/ pennittee, to construct and operate a PID located on the north side of Federal Boulevard, between Highway 94 and 60th Street, Zone R-1-5 (proposed M-IB). PID #40-017-0 12-18-81