Rancho Mission Lot 18 Card 2
RANCHO MISSION LOT 18 CARD 2.tif-..._~e----------- RANCHO MISSION \t. I,,r-., "'~- +.;. I CARD #2' Portion- Permit APPROVED by ZA to LOGAN HEIGHTS CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, known as CHRISTIAN] FELLOWSHIP CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH- (I) to construct a 6,503 sq. ft. addition to an existing j church facility, addition to Include a new 266 seat sanctuary, a chrlstlan education buildin and related facilities and to provide 27 additional parking spaces, resulting in a total of 89 spaces; (2) to construct a 50' high tower where 30' is the maximum height permitted; and (3) to erect a 4 1 high, 32 sq. ft. monument sign, at 1601 Kelton Road, Zone R-1-5. Cond It ions. CUP 17692 9-3-82