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Development Services

Rancho Mission Lot 19 Card 2

RANCHO MISSION LOT 19 CARD 2.tif ~ llANCHO hISSION LOT 19 Card f l Por- Permit to Security Tr. & Svgs. Bank of S.D. to excavate approx 4,000 cu yd of earth, leaving a standing bank max 101 in height, at NE cor 68th St. & Univ. Ave., R-1, cond 11 Res. No. 9381 1-18-56-------------Por Parcel 0- Permit to Union Title Ins. & Tr., (College Grove Shopping Center) to erect 161x50' double-faced sign mounted on 10' posts, for l yr, on SWly side of College Ave at Federal Blvd. Freeway, R-1 Res. No. 9405 2-1-56--------------------------- Por- Permit to John A Hoff, owner & Arthur Burgess, lessee, to maintain exist pole sign with 51 SB at 6385 Univ. Ave. (25' req) the sign to be moved at owners 1 s ex- pense if req. by City Case No. 322, a-5-56 & For. of Parcel 00- permit to W~ 'F. 'odOIII fo coiist.approx 105-unit apt dev, Sly terminatmon ~ of Bonillo Dr & Hly of;iolando blvd R-1 cond'l C.U.P. Case 3432 8/24./60 ~,d~~.. i2--~.S 4??,c-7,9,L,t:?J "r Z?r./111) ('.ti. P //~.;> CJ-t,3- e,,( 'c..m-.,-.:. ~i'-w,=,. e/-.5'-GY'-,_0:...j