Rancho Mission Lot 19 Card 3
RANCHO MISSION LOT 19 CARD 3.tif \. RANCHO MISSION LOT 19 Por Parcel 00, Permit to l. Topper, s. Lasry & o. Topper,omer; R. Morehouse & Larry Etting- bouse, Special Service Supply, lessee, to const bldg as heating & ventilati~ wholesale & retal business & warehousing, 6187 UD,iversity betw College Ave & Bolando ~,;\C zone,_ ~o'!-:1:._~-,~:/?:.~z~,~--__ ~e-3~~--______ 8:~~-_-- Por.l."arcel "OO"... ot rn,.l'ermi t to Jos.fl. & uaile Zolot, o-wneas, & Mobil Oil Co., lessee to change exist sigp using exist footing 21" SB frllll University Ave,(25 1 req)6104 Univer- sity Ave, C zone. Case 3670 11-18-60---------------------------------------------- Por- Dr. Wm. P. Odom, o'IGler, & Johnny's Pizza Palaee, lessee, DENIED to erect 7'x 6.5' lited plastic roof sign to project 5' into req 25' SB at 6147 Univ betw College Ave Y Rolando St. Zone C. Case 3691 11-25- & 12-2-60------------------------------,.----------------- Por- (Above) APPEALED- modified to permit approval of sign providing sign be a min of 8 1 above roof, and sba.11 not project more than l' beyond face of bldg. Case 3691 1-26-61 Por Parcel "Of)",...,ot 19, Permit to Roy A. Geesey, o,mer & Active Heating &.lliConditioning, \Ii lessee, to maintn operation heat. & ventilating contractor, approx 4600 sq.ft floor space fr& approx 10,000 sq ft ext stor materials & trucks. Bldg space approx 50% warehouse, 35%sbop, 15% off, at 6201 University Ave betw College & Bonillo St, C zone, condl. Case 3571 9-23-60---------------------------------------------- Por.uot 19, Permit to Reformed Presbyterian (.,'hurch fl. S.D. to erect free-stand. interior lite < 6'x 12' sign obs 10 1 SB frm College Ave.(.llenied reques 4 1 Sli}(approx 35' SB req) 3495 ~ollegt betw Ryan Rd & Meridian Ave R-2. Case 3857 Case 3858 2-17-61____,;