Rancho Mission Lot 19 Card 4
RANCHO MISSION LOT 19 CARD 4.tif RMJCHO ~i:rSSION LOT 19)?,,61 CAIU> #4 Por. Par. 00- Permit DENIED to Wm. P. Odom & Shell Oil Co., o,mer & lessee respectively, for requested approx. 4' SB in their application to replace exist. 5' x 5' shield sign with 6' x 6' square revolving sign, the requested 4' SB to be from University Ave., (25' req.) but APPROVAL of request subject to 17' SB from Sly curb of University Ave., not to project beyond sign on SlJ cor of Univ. Ave. & Rolando Blvd., and a 17' SB frcm Ely curb of Rolando Blvd. Cond'l. Case #3965 4/4/61 Lot 19, Par. "'OO"' C. U.P. to W. P. Odom, owner, to oonst. and operate a 94-unit multiple housing project incl. incidental recreational facilities located at the Sly tercnina tion of Bonillo DrM ~ pf Rolando Blvd.,.!,n_tb.e_R:,l_Zon_! ~1'1-1.-!!&:::::;..r!:;_f.;.8-;7'.;:tu~o-~B:a",1e:)!l)'_g_____3:,29-E.)__ Por Lot 19 & (Lot 61 College Avenue Tract d3) Permit DENIED Dr. Joseph P. Zolot, owner of a por of Lot 19 & as purch. of Lot 61, & Wm Comfort, owner of Lot 61 & Glen W. Bell, lessee, at the lllE cor of College Ave. & Univ. Ave. in Zone R-2 (Lot 61) & Zone C (a por of Lot 19).. Case No. 7437 ll/9/65------------------- Por. Par. 00- Permit to T. R. Crone- Atlantic Richfield Co. to const automobile serv sta with canopy encro 181, pump island encro 7 1, a 221 8 11 x J 1 1011 sign, a price sign and area lights encro 25 1 into req 25 1 st widening oB adj to University Ave., as estab by Ordinance No. 6059 N.S., at 6098 University Ave. at the NW cor of its intersection with College Ave., Per legal dm file, Zone 11C 11, Cond' 1. Case No. 792:/ 11-25-66------------------------------------------------------------_,