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Development Services

Rancho Mission Lot 19 Card 7

RANCHO MISSION LOT 19 CARD 7.tif RANCHOMISSION LOTl9 ~ ~ARD#7 r~-1 I I Parcel 110011of Lot 19- Permit GRANTED to ATLANTIC RICHFIELD COMPANY, a Pennsylvania Corp_,./ for a CUP to convert an existing service station into a convenience food market, located at the northwest corner of College Avenue and University, Zone C. CUP 572-PC 8-22-79 Portions- Permit APPROVED by ZA to TOPPER, LASRY & TOPPER to demolish 9,000 sq. ft. of existing warehouse space and construct new warehouse of 18,075 sq. ft. for a maximum 5,000 sq. ft. of warehouse permitted (Lot has 38,285 sq. ft. of warehouse existing, The total increase will be 9,075 sq. ft.), at 6167 through 6193 University Avenue, Zone C. C0 nditlons., ~ rn t-1\X i-2- L,-~ do- c-11247 6-12-81 ~:(~ I