Rancho Mission Lot 19 (Ex Mission Lands) Card 5
RANCHO MISSION LOT 19 (EX MISSION LANDS) CARD 5.tif RANCHO MISSION LOT 19 (Ex Mission Lands) Card #5 Por. Parcel 00- Z.A. considered the app of Delta Nearier, owner & Heavenly Donuts, lessee to erect 4' x 81 x 15 1 high double-faced ground sign, post to obs 14' SB, edge of sign to obs 10 1 SB on University Ave. where 25 1 SB is estab; at 6lll University Ave. betw College Ave. & Cartagena Dr., Zone c, and has DENIED the sign as requested, but APPROVED a 4 1 x 81 double-faced sign to be mounted on the bldg or on a pole back of 25 1 SB line and at right angles to the st., and to prof a max of 3 1 into the req 25 1 SB or to proj forward not further than the exist sign on the bldg adj east. Case No. 8466 12-20-67---------------------------------------w Lot 19- Permit to Herbert & Frances Bruggeman and Dorotny Dail to constr a 40'.x 42'2" furniture warehouse bldg on lot with existing furniture art.ore and warehouse, new warehouse to be located in the CP Zone where parking use only is perm; at 6233 University Ave betw Cartagena and Bonil.1.o Drs in the CP Zone. Condl.. C-1.0265 2-9-71. Por- z.A. nae couidered tb.e request of George Kravlts, Lessee arul Investcal Realty Corp, Owner tor p ermlsaion to erect one 40 aq. tt. free-standing, double-faced, 14ent11'ication sign, overall bt 26'pole to obs 3' SB from prop line, where 25' SB ia estab, at 6172 University Ave betv College Ave and cartagena Dr. Zone C; and has DENIED tbe application as submitted, butQAppa()VED a sign witb pole placed lO' back of tbe SB line witn edge of algn to eocroacb 3' or abour 7' from property line with 161 of clearuce below, eub,1ect to~ C-10724 9-17-71______________}..;~~=7-~----------------------------------------------------------------