Rancho Mission Lot 34 Card 1
RANCHO MISSION LOT 34 CARD 1.tif.). $- RANCHO MISSION LOT 34.....,.\ i CAR.D #1 Por- Permit to Mark II Properties to (1) eliminate the reg 6 1 fence betw subject property and adjacent residential property to the west; (2) to erect a 7' high ret wall obs a O' interior side yard. 3545 Camino Del Rio South. CO Zone. Conditions. C-15020 NH. 3-22-78.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Portion- Permit GRANTED to HENRY F. HUNTE, an Individual, owner; and H. G. FENTON MATERIAL COMPANY, permlttee, to continue the operation of a natural resource facility, the manu- facturing of paving products and the operation of batch plants located on the north and south s Ides of Fr I ars Road between Miss ion V 111 age Drive and 1-805, Zone, in the unzoned area of the County and proposed R-1-40, R-1-40 (FPF) and FW Zones. CUP #82-0014 8-3-82