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Development Services

Rancho Mission Lot 35

RANCHO MISSION LOT 35.tif RANCHO MISSION LOT 35 t;t,f~ ~ /di.~ 1:uyjeJJ\..fv.2; I.J <3 I- 8"}7. ',_. ~'t C 1-r-i;0'f Permit to City of San Diego and Northeastern Little League to develop property as a llttl'e.., ~~~-~~~a~,_~;i~J.1~!1~z-~z}2~-~~:~~~~e::~~11:g~tt-gg;_i)_____, Por Lots 31 and 35- Permit to Preston and Hortense Beave~nd Ray Jessen (dba Jessen Develop- ment Co.) to const and operate a PCD on the north side of Camino del Rio North betw 1-805 and 1-15. R-1-40 (proposed CO) Zone. PCD #41. 1-23-78.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por Lots 31 and 35- Permit to State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance and American Assets, Inc. for a PCD to const and operate. North side of Camino del Rio North betw I-HOS and 1-15. R-1-40 (proposed CO) Zone .PCD#47. -~o-78'. Pot IDt 35- HOMART DE.VELOPMENT- 'lb (1) erect a double-faced temporary real estate ground sign 300 sq. ft. each face, 20'-0" high; (2) observe a 0'-0" rear yard on I-8 where 15'-0" is required (where access rights have been waived); (3) remam in place until 1990. 3131 Camino Del Rio North, Rl-4000, C-19362 (11/7/86)