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Development Services

Rancho Mission Lot 36 Card 1

RANCHO MISSION LOT 36 CARD 1.tif RANCHO MISSION LOT 36 ~..,,.,,..!.,,,__, '!:5> CARD#// Por and Lot 40 and P.L. 1109 and P.L. 1184- Permit to S.D. Gas & Electric co. to cons'tiv &. operate a 230 K,V. substation in addn to exist control svitching center and expansion of exist 12 K,V, substation located NEly of the intersection of Interstate 805 and Friars Rd, ~1 I:~~-~t-=1~2J_:t__________________ ~:~=~------------------------~==~=~-------- I Portion- Permit GRANTED to HENRY F. HUNTE, an Individual, owner; and H. G. FENTON MATERIAL! COMPANY, permlttee, to continue the operation of a natural resource facility, the manu- facturing of paving products and the operation of batch plants located on the north and south sides of Friars Road between Mission Village Drive and 1-805, Zone, In the unzoned area of the County and proposed R-1-40, R-1-40 (FPF) and FW Zones. CUP 82-0014 8-3-82