Rancho Mission Lot 41 Card 2
RANCHO MISSION LOT 41 CARD 2.tif /ta0mB....]H H;SB.! Hissioa Land: Lot 41.Card #2---------------------- Por Mr & Mra. Martin '"' Gleich permit l yr-e;t-;,; ~i; i.=-2;_6;-;o-e~;t-&::in;-i; i lite 12'x 44' 2-faced aign advertia homes for sale in new aub, li.-l, 1 condl. Case 3067~ 1-23-61-------------------- V Nj of NE- of Lot 41, Louise c. Fordn, o~;-Die-;el eo;st Eq~"'jm;nt co-:1eaiiee,to-use-parcel- for storage yd for heavy equipmt with exit sales off in c" zone~ sale of truck tractors trailers&. auto,, at 5050 Market St, approx 200' W of Euclid Ave,'c & R-2, GASE 3862 TABLED 3-17-61 Po;-_- Pe;mit toi.;;-u:ls; C: Ford,- ow;-e-r;&-Die-sel-fonst-Equi!> inent co:-p &-H-.-water Supply Co. & E.J. Leon, lessees, to use parcel for exist yard for heavy equip- ment, in connect with exist sales off in C zone, exist pipe storage & office 1 R-2 zone,& exist contractor's storage yd in R-2;5050 Market St,condl. 1961 Case 3862 2-17-61, 3-17-61 & 6-2-/------------------------------------- Por Lots 30 & 41- Penn.it to Auburn Insurance Agency, Inc., Martel Develop- ment co., and Maren Investment Co., owners, to opera rock crusher and grad in accordance with the exhibit on file in the Planning Department, on Mission Village Drive oetw Friars Rd. & Ronda Ave. being portions of Lots 3b & 41, Rancho Mission of San Diego, R-!. 812101 c.u.P. 4192------------------------------.-------