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Development Services

Rancho Mission Lot 41 Card 3

RANCHO MISSION LOT 41 CARD 3.tif_,,.-- RANCHO:MISSION LOT 41 > CARD;/J Por- z. A. considered app of Mission Village Center to erect and niaintain one post mounted, single faced, 8 1 x.32 1 directional sign advert "I.Tillage Apartments" where l60 sq. ft. sign within subd is perm on Murphy Canyon Road, approx mile r.iy of Friars Rd. Zone R-1-5 and DENIED the req for a 81 x 32 1 sign with rider attached but APPROVED 6 1 x 12 1 sign subj to conds. Case No. 6599 7-24-64----------------------------------------Por.- Classification of Use granted that a light petroleum storage facility with accessory uses proposed to be located in the M-1 Zone, located on the west side of Murph:, Canyon Rd., as an enterprise to and not more obnoxious or tietrimental to the welfare of the particular community than tho_ se enterprises or businessel!I permitted in Section 101.0~J7 (M-lZo e) of the San Diego Municipal Code. e?-7'&,a--,,... c.c. Res. No. 188081 8- 5-66 to-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por- Appl wi ttldrawn by Auburn Ins Agency, Inc, Baylor Cons tr. Co., owners & Standard Oil Co., lessee to develop property as park lot to service station located immed. adj to tile norttl wtlere sin fam res only are perm on the SE cor of Ruffin Rd, & Mission Village Dr., Zone R-1-5, C-9918 6-15-70