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Development Services

Rancho Mission Lot 47 Card 2

RANCHO MISSION LOT 47 CARD 2.tif Card #2 RANCHO MISSION Lot 47 Por- Permit to Mrs. Betty L. Clutinger to const. single family residence in rear of exist. single family res. resulting in two dwellings on one R-1-40 lot; old dwelling to be removed after new dwelling is completed, where one single family residence on each lot is permitted at 4045 Camino Del Rio South betw. Ward Rd. & Fairmount Ave., R-1-40 Interim; condl. AGBEEMEN'l' #1385, 5/13/65 Case # 7086 s/5/65 Por- Permit to Al Cerise, Richard E. Booth & Paul N. Ellingsen to const & operate a 64- bed convalescent nursing home on the south side of U.S. 80 betw Ward Road & Fairmount Ave., Zone R-1-40, Cond 1l. ~~.2---_f...... -_t_~7___________ c_. u_._P.--~~~~----10_-_22_-~~----- Por- Permit to Unity Church of San Diego to remodel & use exist sing tam res tor church o offices & to const church bldg where sing fam res are pe:ma (See C-6710), at 4085 Camino del Rio South betwWard Rd. & Fairmount Ave., Zone R-1-40, condl.. CUP C- 7629 4/4/66----------------------------------