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Development Services

Rancho Mission Lot 65 Card 2

RANCHO MISSION LOT 65 CARD 2.tif RANCHO MISSION LOT 65, I Per- TABLED- W.p.H., A Joint venture, to constr four 5 unit apartment bl.dgs on l.ot. 2 buil.dings to obs a O' interior side yard where 4' is required and 7' st side yd on Magnus where 10' is req (pl.ans submitted prior to effective date of Rl-5 ordinance. Property zoned R-4 by Ord 3821. N.S. at time of plan submitted) at 4751-61 Magnus Way, SE Cor 47th St. Zone R-1.-5. c-1.1.276 Fil.ed 6-22-73-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Per Lots 64 & 65- Permit to William Gibbs, Jr., Barbara Gibbs & Ori I Harbaugh, M.D., and Howard Dworkin to construct 61 unit apt bldg with parking obs 12' front yard where 15 1 is req on the E side of Mission Gorge Road betw Allied Rd. and Zion Avenue. Zone R-3. C-14910. 1-24-7H. A.lo /4,,,..;~J