Rancho Mission Lot 67 Card 2
RANCHO MISSION LOT 67 CARD 2.tif RANCHO MISSION LOT 67 Por- Permit to City of S.D. to constr fire station at NE cor of tentative College Ave. & Gilchrist St., lying Nly of Gilchrist St. and Ely of College Ave. & Sly of Vista de Alcala. Zone R-1, condition tb.at plans be approved by Arch. Review Board and Plan Commission. c-2387 3-27-59 Por- Ten. lot of 1st Baptist Cb.urcb. of Del Cerro Sub. W side Pennsylvania Ave. approx 500 1 N of Alvarado Canyon Rd. to constr churcb. plant and 1000 persons, educational un:l:t 1400 persons, & office space. Cond'l. c-2720 8-7-59 6 montb.s ext to exp 8-17-60 Por- z.A. consid appl of Tavares Dev. Co. to erect free-standing single-faced, floodlighted, 12' x 24' with overall ht of 30' sign advert homes in new sub (San Carlos Highlands) for a period of 1 yr. wb.ere no sign are perm, at approx 600 1 north of Delaware St. and 100' SW of Murray Reservior Dam and DENIED the ligb.ted sign but APPROVED an unlighted sign, Zone R-J.c. cond'l. c-4848 5-1-62 Por- z.A. consid appJ. of Tavares Dev. Co. to erect free-standing single-facd, floodlighted 12' x 24' sign a/overall ht of 30!.advert homes in new sub (San Carlos Highlands} for a. period of 1 yr where max 8 sq. ft. sign is perm, 800 1 east of College Ave. and 1000 1 north of Rockb.urst and DENIED the J.ighted sign but APPROVED an unlighted sign.Zone R-1. Cond 'L c-4849 5-1-62-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------