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Development Services

Rancho Mission Lot 67 Card 8

RANCHO MISSION LOT 67 CARD 8.tif RANCHO MISSION LOT 67 ~1.-'_ tf$wf._ '!!_ lJ__ Por.- Permit to San Diego Professional Association, Inc. to const & operate a.300-bed Convalescent Hospital & Aecessory Uses; a 250-bed Retirement Home & Related Recreational Facilities on the south side of U.S. Highway 80 approx 2400' E or the intersection of U.S. Highway 80 and Colle&Je Ave., Zone R-1-5, Proposed C-lA, Amended 11-28-67 c.u.P. case No. 154-PC 9-11-67 Por.- permit D~NIED'to Bonaire Development Co to maintain (I) 61 x 10 1 x 12' hi, single- faced, 2-pole directional sign advertising "The Knolls" & (2) a similar sign advertising "Ridgehaven" located 500 1 easterly where one unlighted sign offering premises for sale or rent Is perm in 6200 block Navajo Rd mile east of Waring Rd betw College Ave & Waring Rd Zone R-1-!i. C-1 0821 N. H. 9-3)-71---- -----------------------Por- Permit to Alco-Pacific Enterprises Inc. to constr and operate a PRD located west of Pasatiempo Ave, be:t;w Rockllurst Court and Cemino Rico, Ely of College Ave, being in R-1-5 Zon (~ ~ 'f,1- 7(,, PRD #15 11-23-71 Por and Lots 2 & 4, Alvarado Plaza #2- oPermit to National Community Builders (formerly Medical Growtb. Industries) as amended, to constr a a complex of 3 office buildings on 3 separate, adjoining parcels providing a total of 227 parking spaces on the tnree parcels, wb.ere 191 spaces are req with (1) a 30,000 gross sq. ft. bldg on Parcel l providing 34 pk spaces where 75 are req (2) a 16,103 gross sq. ft. bldg on Parcel 2 providing O parking sp wnere 41 are req (3) a 30,000 gross sq. ft. bldg on Parcel 3 providing 193 pk spaces Where 75 are req; parking is req to be on the same lot or parcel as tb.e use it serves; at 6300 Alvarado Court, Sly of Interstate 8 and Alvarado Rd. Zones CO; and CP. C-11223 5-25-72