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Development Services

Rancho Mission Lot 69 Card 1

RANCHO MISSION LOT 69 CARD 1.tif RANCHO HISSION LOT 69 Por (also p6r Lot 70) Sam Berger Inv. Co. to oper construction yard ti enclose with 6' wire ----- fence, Wly side Lake Murray Blvd., cond'l R-1 Res. ~o. 9080 8-3-55------------ Por- Permit to Burgener & Tavares to const res on Tent. Lots l thr..11 15 (& prcfessional bldg on 16) San Carlos Unit t/1, & use as model homes; 18 11x24 11 sign on ea.; adv. signs on Lots 1,8,9,14 & 16, in SB area; & permitting the p~f. bldg on Lot 16; all for a period of one year (to expire 8-22-59) C-201I-2~3!'...4' 8-22-58 L---'----------------------------------- Por- Permit to s. D. Unified School Dist. to const elem. school, N side Lake Atlin Ave. 470' E of Lake Murray Blvd. Case No. 2036 9-12-58----------------- ------------------ Por. Lot 69, Ex-Mission- Rancho Mis. Map (/600, approx 2001 NW or G. Cleveland Elem. School Permit to Lake Country Construction. Co & Jack Baskin, Inc. to maintain construe. yard, with 2 directional signs 3' x S', one approx 300' N or Lake Aria.Ila and 1 approx. 600 N or Lake Ariana Ave. E side Lake Murray.Blvd for 1 yr to expire 2-18--60. Case 2287,/ 2-6-59 1,_,,., Por. Lot 69, Ex-Mission- Rancho Mis. Mapp l/600, Lake CountI'{_ Const. Co. & Jack Baskin,In~ DENIED 12 feature signs 3' x 4' on E side or Lake Mtlrray Blvd, opposite Lake Arago Ave., but APPROVED 10 1 x 21' sign OD W side or Lake Murray BL vd 11 11 11 for l yr to expire 2-18-60, provided sign is located on priw.te property. Case 2288,/ 2-6-59 Por- AmeriFo Ho~in~ %Q;5 DENIED12 1x 28 1 sign, but APPROVED sign-ma.x.-of 8'x 241 for-one year O exp 6-- (sin.!'aced free-standing sign, Nly stde Lake t'.lUI'ray m vd adj Navajo Rd. Interim zo~ R-1 Case 2573 v 6-12-59 1,.-'.--'